Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Recent Conversation...

Here's the conversation between sisters at the doctor's office.

Mama: Leah, what do you want to be when you grow up?

Leah: I'm not sure. (It used to be a doctor, a baby doctor, and that is just what Carly said she wanted to be right before I asked Leah.)

Carly: A clowoon?

(family is laughing)

Leah: No! I don't want to be a clown. (with slight attitude)

Carly: A horse? You wanna be a horse?

(more laughing)

Carly: A clown horse?

Carly is our very funny child and she draws out all her vowel sounds. Definitely some southern roots in that girl. It was quite a humorous conversation between a 6-year old and a 2-year old.

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